Paaugstinājums politiķim, kurš ņem desmittūkstošus no ASV sankcijām pakļautajiem uzņēmumiem
Imants Liepiņš12.01.2020.
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Juceklī ap sankcijām Ventspils tranzītam, kas uzliktas pēc JKP politiķu Jura Juraša un Jāņa Bordāna iniciatīvas, nepamanīts palicis Rūdolfa Meroni tūkstošus saņemošā Ventspils deputāta Ģirta Valda Kristovska paaugstinājums amatā.
Pēc tam, kad J. Jurašs un J. Bordāns apmeklēja Vašingtonu un tur izlūdzās viņiem politiski nevēlamā Ventspils mēra Aivara Lemberga un Ventspils Brīvostas pārvaldes iekļaušanu sankciju sarakstā, Krišjāņa Kariņa valdība un to balstošā Saeimas koalīcija decembra vidū zibenīgi izdarīja to, ko neviena valdība un neviena koalīcija nebija spējusi pirms tam gadiem ilgi: izslēdza no Rīgas un Ventspils brīvostu valdēm tajās abās deleģētos pašvaldību pārstāvjus.
Līdz šim, lai nodrošinātu ostu darbību vietējo iedzīvotāju interesēs un dotu vēlētājiem virskontroles tiesības pašvaldībās ievēlēto deputātu izskatā, Rīgas un Ventspils brīvostu valdēs pa četriem valdes locekļiem pārstāvēja vietējo pašvaldību, kamēr otri četri — dažādas ministrijas. Steidzamības kārtā likvidējot pašvaldību pārstāvniecību brīvostā, valsts tagad ieguvusi pilnīgu kontroli pār brīvostām.
Par Ventspils brīvostas valdes priekšsēdētāju tagad iecelta Inguna Strautmane, kura kā Satiksmes ministrijas pārstāve jau strādāja valdē kopš 2019. gada februāra, savukārt par viņas vietnieku paaugstināts Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis — tas pats politiķis, kurš atradies ilgstošā finansiālā atkarībā no firmas Ventbunkers, kas ir pakļauta vietējiem mantas arestiem un tagad pat starptautiskajām sankcijām.
Kā zināms, Vienotības vecbiedrs, bijušais ministrs, bijušais Eiropas Parlamenta, Saeimas un Rīgas domes deputāts vēl pirms kandidēšanas uz Ventspils domi noslēdza slepenu līgumu ar Ventbunkeru par 5000 eiro mēnesī saņemšanu. Pietiek jau ziņoja, ka KNAB pat ne pieklājības pēc neesot painteresējies par "konsultācijām", kuras AS Ventbunkers vajadzībām it kā esot sniegusi Ģ. V. Kristovska dibinātā un vadītā firma GVK Consulting. Stingras šaubas pauda bijusī Ventbunkera valdes priekšsēdētāja Eva Ciniņa, kas neredzēja, ka Ģ. V. Kristovskis vispār varētu sniegt kādas naftas produktu pārkraušanā noderīgas zināšanas, kuru jau nebūtu šī 1994. gadā dibinātā uzņēmuma rīcībā.
Pirms 2017. gada pašvaldību vēlēšanām Ģ. V. Kristovskis publiski paziņoja: "Man ir savs konsultāciju uzņēmums, un sadarbojos ar pieciem Latvijas un citu valstu uzņēmumiem." Tikmēr patiesībā, kā tika noskaidrots no privātās sarakstes, šajā laikā Ģ. V. Kristovskis sarakstījās ar R. Meroni, kur cita starpā tika runāts par nepieciešamību apspriest "taktiku Ventspilī" pirms vēlēšanām.
Uz žurnālistu jautājumiem Ģ. V. Kristovskis atbildējis šādi: "Es esmu tādā vecumā, ka varu sniegt konsultācijas, kam gribu. Galvenais, lai kāds maksā." Uz jautājumu par pazīšanos ar Rūdolfu Meroni saņemtā atbilde bija: "... es nonācu ar viņu kontaktā tāpēc, ka [...] vajag naudu. [...] Jārunā ar uzņēmumiem, kuri ir Ventspilī uz vietas; kuriem ir kaut kāda nauda, teiksim tā."
Rakstiski Ģ. V. Kristovskis vēl papildinājis: "Manu biznesa konsultāciju pamats ir mana dzīves profesionālā pieredze, speciālā un plašā izglītība, mans talants un spējas, arī darba rezultāti un reputācija."
Tātad šobrīd Ģ. V. Kristovskis, būdams ilgstošā finansiālā saistībā ar vienu no sankcijām un mantas arestiem pakļautajiem uzņēmumiem, ir paaugstināts par valdes priekšsēdētājas vietnieku valsts institūcijā, kas cita starpā uzrauga minētā uzņēmuma darbību, iznomājot tam valstij piederošo zemi un uzturot ostas infrastruktūru darba kārtībā.
Šodien Pietiek ekskluzīvi publicē līguma projektu par “konsultēšanu”, kas parāda saiknes starp R. Meroni un Ģ. V. Kristovska kontrolētām firmām un datēts ar 2016. gada 16. maiju.
Translation from Latvian
Agreement on Provision of Consultancy Services
In Ventspils, 16 May, 2016
Joint stock company Ventbunkers, unified registration No. 50003179321, legal address: Dzintaru iela 92, Ventspils, LV-3602, hereinafter referred to as the Client, represented by its Chairman of the Management Board Mr Alvis Hāze, who acts according to the Articles of Association, on one part,
SIA GVK consulting, unified registration No. 41203058051, legal address: Kuldīgas iela 51, Ventspils, LV-3601, hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider, represented by its Member of the Management Board Mr Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis, who acts in compliance with the by-laws, on the other part, concluded the following Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement):
1.1.The Client orders and the Service Provider undertakes to carry out works of consultative nature in the interests of the Client related to monitoring, analysis of laws and regulations of the European Union and preparation of recommendations in respect to the field of operation of the Client, as well as to represent the Client’s interests in relations with third persons in the context of this Agreement at the separate request of the Client.
2.1. To perform works timely and in good quality according to the subject of this Agreement.
2.2. Upon the Client’s request to provide a review on the progress of the works, provided for in this Agreement.
2.3. Under the task of the Client the Service Provider shall be entitled to carry out also other works that are not included in the subject of this Agreement. In this case the amount of remuneration shall be defined in an additional agreement between the Parties.
2.4. The Service Provider shall have the right to involve other persons for the purposes of meeting his obligations in compliance with this Agreement. In this case the Service Provider shall be responsible for such performance to the same extent as the Service Provider himself.
2.5. The Service Provider shall have the right to the reimbursement of additional expenses that the Service Provider has incurred to comply with the provisions of this Agreement. All such additional expenses shall be agreed upon with the Client in advance, and a report shall be provided on such expenses upon charging.
3.1. The Client shall undertake to provide the Service Provider with information and documentation that is necessary for the fulfilment of the works, envisaged by this Agreement, unless this information and documentation is publicly accessible.
3.2. The information provided by the Client shall be full, true and it shall comply with the Service Provider’s requirements in respect to the extent and content. The Service Provider shall not be responsible for consequences that have arisen as a result of provision of incomplete or false information.
3.3. The Client shall be obliged to accept the Service Provider’s works that have been carried out in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement, and shall pay remuneration to the Service Provider, as well as effect other distributions under the procedure, amount and time frame provided for in this Agreement.
3.4. The Client shall undertake to pay the costs incurred by the Service Provider that are related to the fulfilment of obligations of the Service Provider in compliance with this Agreement.
3.5. If necessary, the Client shall have the obligation to issue a power of attorney to the Service Provider for carrying out such actions that are related to execution of this Agreement.
3.6. The Client shall undertake to sign the documents, prepared by the Service Provider, where the Client’s signature is obligatory.
4.1. On the basis of the received invoices, the Client shall pay a fee of EUR 5000.00 (five thousand euros) to the Service Provider for the works accomplished in each calendar month, as well as the value added tax in compliance with the rate and payment procedure that are in force in the Republic of Latvia.
4.2. The payments by the Client to the Service Provider for the current period shall be made within a period of 5 (five) days by transfer to the Service Provider’s bank account. The Service Provider’s obligation shall be to submit the invoice to the Client timely.
4.3. The bank stamp’s date on the payment order shall be considered as the date of payment.
5.1. The Parties shall resolve disputes that have arisen in relation to this Agreement in compliance with laws and regulations of the
5.2. The Service Provider shall be responsible for compliance with deadlines and quality of the works to be accomplished and that are referred to in the subject of this Agreement under the condition that the Client meets its obligations.
5.3. The Service Provider shall not be responsible for works that have not been accomplished within the defined time frame or for partially accomplished works, if the Client by its action or inaction has created obstacles for the Service Provider to meet his obligations.
6.1. The Parties shall be released from responsibility for failure to fulfil the obligations of the Agreement, if it occurs after signing the Agreement as a result of force majeure or exceptional circumstances that could not be envisaged, eliminated, affected by any of the Parties and for the occurrence of which none of Parties is responsible.
6.2. The Party, affected by the force majeure in the framework of the Agreement, shall immediately inform the other Party thereof.
6.3. If the contracting Party, the action of which is affected by the force majeure, does not inform the other Party about the occurrence of force majeure without any objective reasons within a period of 5 (five) days, the respective Party shall not be released from fulfilment of the Agreement’s obligations.
6.4. If the force majeure remains longer than 30 (thirty) calendar days, the Parties shall settle mutually the matter on further execution of the Agreement or termination thereof.
7. confidentiality conditions
7.1. The Parties shall undertake during the period of cooperation, as well as within a period of 3 (three) years from the moment of termination of the contractual relationships, not to disclose information to the third parties that is related to the execution of the Agreement, as well as any other information that has been provided by the Parties to one another in relation to mutual cooperation, envisaged by the Agreement. All the information that Parties provide to each other during the execution of the Agreement shall be considered as confidential and shall not be disclosed or made publicly accessible without written consent of the other Party, in which the agreed extent of the information to be published shall be defined. If necessary, the Parties shall specially set, also expand or narrow the extent of the confidential information, as well as to introduce a special confidentiality procedure by agreeing upon it in writing.
7.2. Each Party shall undertake not to carry out any actions that may directly or indirectly cause damage to the interests of the other Party.
8.1. This Agreement becomes effective as of 16 May 2016 and has been concluded for 1 (one) year.
8.2. The Agreement automatically shall be prolonged for every next year if none of the Parties gives notice in writing to the other Party on termination of the obligations not later than 1 (one) calendar month prior to the time period, provided for in Clause 8.1. of the Agreement and expiry of every next year of operation of the Agreement.
8.3. All amendments, supplements to this Agreement, as well as other agreements between the Parties, related to execution and operation of the Agreement, shall be made in writing and become effective when signed by both Parties.
8.4. Each of the Parties shall be entitled to unilaterally withdraw from the Agreement by notifying the other Party thereof. In this case the Agreement shall be considered as terminated on the thirtieth day from the day on which the one Party has sent a registered letter on termination of the Agreement to the other Party. The termination of the Agreement shall not release the Parties from meeting the obligations in full, undertaken during the validity period of Agreement.
9.1. If any of the Clauses of this Agreement may be found unbinding, it shall not affect the obligations and rights set by the Agreement in general.
9.2. This Agreement has been prepared in Latvian, in 2 copies on 4 pages, one for each Party, having the same legal force.
Signatures and details of the parties
the Clientthe Service Provider
Joint stock company Ventbunkers SIA GVK consulting
/Alvis Hāze//Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis/